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International Food security: The problem and the solution


Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is probably one of the biggest causes of death and loss than almost anything else. It causes disease, pain, fatigue, damge to the economy and
is both a symptom and a cause of poverty. It has many causes, and few sane solutions. It is caused by gender discrimination, mismanagement, dictatorship,
corruption, overpopulation and war. The places where malnutrition are most prevalent are southern asia and sub saharan africa. So what can be done about it.
The solution is many staged and not simple. The first steps should be taken by the governments of food insecure countries, by reforming the industry, and
helping farmers. Green lobbies should stop complaining about GMOs. Their have been tests on them. They have been around for more than 30 years. And they help.
They will boost efficiency, and be resilient to diseases. Then we can improve storage and production systems. Millions of tons of grain rot away in rat-
infested and damp storage warehouses. Improving the warehouses will pull many people out of malnutrition and misery. Gender discrimination destroys

In short, anti-patriarchal education, more technology, reforms, and more spending sould help the agricultural industry get more efficient. Until then, nothing
much will change.