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Are you missing out on a zero calorie calcium source?


Recent studies have shown that mineral water, if taken in the right quantities, 2 liters to be precise, can meet an adult’s daily calcium requirement. That’s right! A study conducted by Theresa Greupner and her group of Leibniz University Hannover in Germany  studied the absorption of calcium in the body using five products. These were three  types of calcium-rich mineral water, milk and a calcium supplement, all containing 300 mg of calcium.

In all five products it was seen that there is no difference in calcium absorption in the 25 people who were a part of this study which was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Also, the other minerals present in the water did not have any effect on calcium absorption. Dr. Maria Luisa Brandi from University of Florence told Reuters, “The concept is well established in medicine, we recommend water with high calcium content for osteoporotic patients.”

“The special feature of mineral water as a source of calcium is as a calorie-free alternative to milk and dairy products,” said Theresa to Reuters in an interview. This is great news for those who are lactose intolerant or dislike dairy in general. Theresa also observes that its a boon to those suffering from obesity, “In a world with a steadily growing number of overweight and obese people it is important to reduce the energy intake and to promote alternatives to satisfy the calcium demand apart from high caloric milk and dairy products.”

Mineral water thus ticks off another boon in it’s checklist. Let’s make it an integral part of our diet and drink up!