There’s A Hot Spring Resort In Japan That Has A Pool Filled With Maple Syrup
Have you ever had a dream where you’re swimming in your favourite kind of food? Because that might soon be a reality if you’re a fan of breakfast.
Japan has a brand new theme park, where visitors end up smelling like breakfast. Breakfast is one of the best and most popular meals of the day. It doesn’t matter what you’re eating, breakfast does the trick. And at this Japanese hot spring resort, you can walk out smelling like pancakes and maple syrup.
According to RocketNews24, there’s a famous hot spring resort in Hakone, Japan called the Yunessun Spa House. This place has several different, unconventional communal soaking baths that smell like tea, coffee and even a ramen bath that has fake noodles in it! But now they’re adding one with a breakfast theme, which means an entire pool with actual maple syrup in it.
It’s not for the faint hearted, or the ones who can’t handle sticky substances against their skin, but it’s still quite the intrguing concept, no? This maple syrup bath is a promotion with a pancake mix company that is celebrating the 60th year in a new and untraditional way.
Every day, the staff pours actual maple syrup into the bath so that visitors get the best breakfast feeling ever. Because clearly that is what is most important, right?
Now the question is, would you go or not?