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The Unicorn Trend has caught up to the Quesadilla!


The unicorn trend that has been sweeping the world is pretty magnificent. Instagrammable, tasty and full of fun. The latest food item to join the bandwagon is the mexican Quesadilla.

Unicorn Sensation

Food historians and savvy Instagram users can trace the unicorn quesadilla can back to El Premio Mayor, a chain of Mexican restaurants based in Fresno, CA. The hashtag #unicornquesadilla shows El Premio Mayor serving a few of the cheesy, rainbow delights over the weekend.

This item is not on their regular menu but the restaurant says that they will add it in if the trend proves to be popular.

The restaurant’s enchanted chefs dye shredded cheese with various hues of food coloring and arrange them strategically inside a tortilla. When the cheese is heated up and lucky diners pull the quesadillas apart, the magic reveals itself in melty, ooey, gooey, delicious strings of unicorn goodness report Teen Vogue.

If you want to give this trend a try on your own, just add a few drops of food colouring to your tortilla dough mix to create a colourful wrap. You can even experiment with different types of cheeses and fillings to make your own Unicorn delights.

Although unicorn foods have been mostly sweets and desserts, the quesadilla brings it into savoury territory. What’s next? Unicorn Pizza? We sure would like to see that.

Images : El Premiomayor Instagram