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You Can Now Order Your Food With A Flick Of The Wrist Thanks To Just Eat


For all the couch potatoes out there, add a bit of magic to your life! A wand that delivers your favourite meal with just a flick of your wrist! The device uses soundwave technology to connect the wand to the diner’s mobile app, and you can have a little fun while ordering the food.


If you are too lazy to pick up the phone to order food, you can now have their favourite food delivered in minutes with a deft Harry Potter-style flick of the wrist.

The bright red wand connects with the user’s Just Eat account and is pre-programmed to order their favourite nosh.

And the tip of the high-tech device even lights up as payment is received to confirm: “Your dish is my command.”

Charles Spence, Oxford University food scientist, who helped design the new wand said it was a couch potato’s dream – and would add magic to the routine.

Image and Video Source: Just Eat