12 Foods That Will Allow You To Eat Your Way To Healthy Skin
We all deal with bad skin sometimes; it’s something a little concealer can’t fix for the most part. However, even if you do pile on the make-up it wouldn’t hurt to eat a few foods that naturally fight skin breakouts. Here’s what you should steer towards.
Olive Oil
A study conducted by PLOS ONE found that people who incorporated more olive oil in their diets showed fewer signs of aging. This is perhaps because the oil is high in mono-saturated fatty acids which help retain youth.
Greek Yogurt
Delicious Greek yogurt contributes to smoother and less wrinkled skin.
Foods containing soy help with hyperpigmentation that can cause an uneven skin tone.
Tomatoes are like a natural sunscreen; they improve the skin’s SPF which in turn is a protection against sun damage.
Herbs like rosemary and thyme can also help with sun damage because they contain antioxidants.
Dark Chocolate
Yes, chocolate helps! Dark chocolate has a large amount of antioxidants which hydrate skin and improve circulation.
Sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids which help with skin inflammation. Inflammation causes acne, so you’re going to want to guzzle sardines to keep those red spots at bay.
If you’re vegetarian, you can get your fill of omega-3 acids from walnuts.
Green Tea
Green tea finds itself on every healthy eating list. Studies have shown that it makes skin more elastic and smooth and helps boost blood and oxygen flow. It can also soothe inflammation.
Drinking a lot of water is always a win. It keeps your body (and skin) hydrated and flushes out toxins that can cause acne, wrinkles and spots.
Zinc is a major component of oysters. It helps the growth and functioning of skin cells, keeping them healthy.
Vitamin C Fruits
Fruits like oranges, kiwis and lemons contain large amounts of Vitamin C which keeps skin tight and soothes fine lines.