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7 Foods That Will Help You Drive Bad Breath Away


It’s your greatest enemy at interviews and parties. It can make an otherwise perfect first date go horribly wrong. It’s your unwelcome morning buddy. We’re talking, of course, about bad breath. While most of us can cure it by spending a few minutes brushing, others find that it clings to them stubbornly all day long. For those unfortunate souls, here are some foods you can eat to keep bad breath under control. 



Chewing on raw parsley can really help mask smells in your mouth. It contains oils that act as natural cleaners. You could also try other herbs like coriander, eucalyptus, rosemary and cilantro.

Fennel Seeds


Fennel seeds increase saliva production that removes bad breath and the bacteria causing it.

Green Tea


Green tea contains antioxidants such as catechin that fight the bacteria that cause bad breath.



The live cultures and probiotics in yogurt overpower the bad smelling bacteria that are hidden in your mouth.



Keep a bottle of water handy at all times; like it flushes out toxins in your body, it washes away bacteria and food particles that cause the bacteria build up.

Strawberries, Oranges and Other Citrus Fruits


Strawberries, oranges and other fruits that contain vitamin C help with bad breath because they create a hostile environment for bacteria. They also contain high levels of water which cleanse the mouth.  



Nuts are powerful in the battle against bacteria. They also act like ‘tiny toothbrushes’, cleansing your teeth and guarding them against stains.