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At This Food Pharmacy Doctors Prescribing Food Instead Of Pills


We’re all aware that obesity and diet-related illnesses have become a pressing issue in society today. As such, doctors and dieticians in the States have started prescribing food instead of pills and surgery in order to cure overweight patients.

CBS reports that in at least a dozen states doctors are swapping out medication in favour of a healthy diet. At Geisinger Hospital in central Pennsylvania, food deliveries turn medical professionals into temporary grocers. It’s all thanks to Fresh Food Pharmacy created by Dr Andrea Feinberg.

Speaking to CBS Feinberg, explained that the program is offering people hope and a “new way to look at diabetes.”

“There are pockets of communities around the United States where the word has not gotten out that food is really medicine,” she explained.

The pilot program, which started just nine months ago, currently serves more than 60 patients and their families, providing healthy food free of charge to more than 200 people each week along with nutrition classes and cooking advice. She is the first to set up a stand-alone food pharmacy programme but there are more than 70 food prescription programmes in the States.

She states that a big problem is that people aren’t willing to change their diets so drastically. However, the results are telling with patients who had embraced the programme reporting massive changes in their lives. Looks like people with a healthy diet must be on to something. Sigh.

Compulsive junk food eater, football watcher, and book reader. Hate the unicorn trend, love laughing at my own jokes; also, sometimes I write about food.