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5 Foods You Should Eat After A Workout


Exercising is very important. However, when we first begin to workout or start after a long time we feel soreness in our muscles. But don’t worry it is simply a condition called  delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS. While it is a normal thing, many of us feel like giving up, but don’t. Here are five foods you can eat that work toward post-workout recovery.

Vitamin C

Binging on Vitamin C enriched foods like orange, pineapple, cauliflower and berries is great for a post workout soreness. How does it work? These foods shield your muscles by the damage caused by free radicals, increase immunity, build muscle and help maintain the cartilage and bone density. So let these daredevils heal your sore muscles like pros.


Remember the time you got a terrible cramp in your leg after a rigorous workout. It wasn’t because that you overdid it, but probably due to lack of micro-nutrients like potassium, magnesium and sodium in your body. Get hold of these in green veggies like spinach and amaranth and feel as strong as Popeye. After all it shouldn’t burn a hole in your pocket buying diet food right?


Yes, protein is an obvious one but having it after a workout can help relieve the stress from the mjuscle fjbers that were damaged during your regime. So load ujp on eggs, chicken, soybean and paneer and you should start feeling good soon after. Don’t opt for the buttery dishes though. You can easily grill some chicken, boil the eggs and eat a delicious tandoori paneer. Yum!


This might come as a surprise to some because hey aren’t we supposed to avoid them? Before your workout, you can leave them out as they get stored in the body as glycogen. However post exercising the glycogen in the body depletes leading to post-workout fatigues. So this is the point where you can have carbs that can be easily digested. So opt for bread in fact make yourself a nice sandwich as a reward for the work out. But hey, no mayo!


Ever felt inflammation after working out? There are ways to counter that too – fresh fruits, vegetables, foods like chocolate, salmon, olives and berries are anti-inflammatory foods that can come in handy. Even common dishes like the good old turmeric with milk, or a little ginger tea and adding garlic to food will help you control inflammation.

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