Chennai To Get Its First Pop-Up Seva Cafe This Weekend
The Seva Cafe format is already very popular in Ahmedabad and Mumbai – where your bill is paid for by the guest who visits the restaurant before you. “Seva Café is an experiment in the shared joy that comes from humble giving and selfless service. Our wholesome meals are cooked and served with love by volunteers and offered to our guests as a genuine gift, for which they are free to pay from their heart. This goes towards cooking the next days meals, and so the chain has continued for over 6 years serving more than 80,000 gifts. It is an initiative supported entirely by the community, in an effort to connect with our peers,” reads their Facebook page.
This weekend, Chennai will host the first Seva Cafe at SCARF (Schizhophrenia Research Foundation) on ECR. Yogesh Parmer, the man behind this wonderful concept spoke with the Indian Express about this and said that next month “it may be at an orphanage or an institute for destitute women.”
The tasks for the pop-up cafe include shopping for groceries to planning the menu, chopping the vegetables and the process of cooking, while also thinking of ways to engage the guests with music and games and other interactive activities. Mr. Parmar even added that “The idea is to make people feel like they are among family. So there will be a lot of engagement to create an experience that feels as close to home as possible.”
To volunteer your time or contribute contact them at 9884444711.