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Here’s What Your Favourite Type Of Booze Looks Like In Food


Let us paint you a picture. You head out on Friday night, but choose not to eat the massive pile of nachos that your friends order. Likewise, you studiously ignore the burgers and fries dripping in cheese that magically appear at your table. However, when the bartender comes around, you ask for your favourite drink. Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you have to be a teetotaller too, right?

Wrong. Well, you could down the drinks, but you should know that they contain as many, if not more calories than the foods you’re avoiding do. ViralThread put together these helpful graphics to show you the food equivalent of your favourite drink.



Just because it’s ‘light’ doesn’t mean its low in calories. Hey, the ‘beer belly’ saying had to come from somewhere, didn’t it?



Shots are never the best idea; they can cause you to do things that are horribly embarrassing. Why not munch on some pizza instead?



Cider is so sweet because it contains sugar, people!

Red Wine


This isn’t so bad actually. Red wine is also good for you in moderation so we’ll allow you a few glasses. Once in a while.

Vodka Cranberry

Sushi any day!



Celebrations wouldn’t seem like celebrations if you served slices of bread instead of champagne, would they? Oh well.

Pina Coladas


We have a sweet weakness for pina coladas, but we love chocolate too. Oh, the decisions that must get made!