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Here’s A Handy Infographic That Will Help You Organise Your Kitchen Perfectly!


If you’ve ever tried your hand at cooking (if you’ve not, check out some of our recipes and try one immediately), you know the joy of having a well-organised kitchen. And, equally, the frustration of looking for a particular seasoning, utensil that is nowhere to be found. 

Like much of the cooking world, Noel Dempsey, a design firm based in Ireland understands the importance of a well-functioning, efficient kitchen. They’ve used their 24 years of experience with interior design and furniture conception to create a info graphic with tips that will help you organise your kitchen.

The Trinity


First, they focus on the three main components of the kitchen; the sink, the fridge and the stove. The path to each of these elements should be clear and easy.

The Work Surfaces


Work surfaces should ideally be placed between each of the main components in the form of countertops. A kitchen island is helpful provided that there’s enough space and can be used for extra storage.

The Shapes


Kitchens come in various shapes; galley, for instance is ideal for efficient, quick work while an L shaped kitchen is more spacious. If you’re remodelling your kitchen, choose a shape that fits best for you and your needs.

The Appliances


Equip your kitchen with appliances that work smoothly. Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each application. For instance, did you know that a dishwasher uses less water as compared to hand washing dishes?

Are you intrigued? Check out the info graphic below for more information and hacks that will allow you to organise your kitchen better and have a more fulfilling cooking experience.
