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Sunkist Launches Healthy Detox And Refuel Juices


The brand Sunkist of California by Future Consumer Limited (FCL) has launched a new range of healthy juices – Detox, Refuel and Orange Mosambi. According to a press release by the brand, the juices contain a 100 percent juice from vegetables and fruits. These juices also do not contain any added sugar and preservatives thus being healthy for consumption. The two variants, Detox and Refuel contain vegetables and fruits that help in flushing out toxins and are energy giving respectively.

New Juices By Sunkist

“With changing lifestyles, consumers are opting for food that do not compromise with their health,” said Mr. Sadashiv Nayak, CEO – Food Business, Future Group as he talked about the launch of the new juice variants. “Our new range of Sunkist juices are for consumers who are in search of better-for-me food and beverages. These drinks are a blend of both fruits and vegetables, providing higher nutrition and better taste especially with no sugar or preservatives.”

The detox variant of Sunkist is made with apple, banana, spinach, cucumber and pineapple and is recommended to be had at the start of the day. The brand also recommends this drink as a part of your pre-workout diet as it contains energising foods like spinach and banana. On the other hand, refuel with its contents of lemon, ginger and beetroot is good for energy rejuvenation as and when you require during the day. The Orange Mosambi needless to say is made up of orange and sweet lime and all these juice ranges are available in 200 ml tetra packs at various retails stores in India.