Maharashtrian food offers something for everyone. Whether you are a sweet tooth or a fire dragon, a Marathi Manoos or not these dishes are a must...
With photo sharing becoming quite a thing these days, most restaurateurs have started taking their food plating more seriously. Every social media platform will have a...
Our Rivers are dying. It is estimated that in 15 years, 25% of India will turn into a desert and we may have only half the water...
As the festive season dawns, The Ashok gets all decked up to celebrate the season and take care of your special needs. At The Ashok, we...
The former CEO of Sainsbury’s supermarket, Justin King gave a clear cut warning about Brexit will bring, “higher prices, less choice, and poorer quality” and that...
Are you in the habit of ordering diet soda, because you’re watching calories, or because you think it’s better for you? So did we, until we...
This refreshing cocktail is just perfect for a long, hot, lazy Sunday afternoon with friends that will keep you refreshed and buzzed. This vodka-based cocktail combines...