The California based four year old Impossible Foods just announced that a marvellously successful Series D funding round resulted in them raising $108 million. The round...
This apple martini, is easy to make but it packs a punch. If you’re looking for a vodka drink that never gets old then this recipe...
Simple to make, melt-in-the-mouth egg maggi is something you can have at any point in the day!
An important side dish in Kerala sadhya, Olan is a traditional recipe cooked with ash gourd and black eyed peas in coconut milk.
If you’re one of those who is always on a lookout for best coffee places and cannot start the day without having a cup of it,...
At the birth of dusk, we were all gathered around with undivided attention for the appreciation of Glen Grant’s Single malt whisky at Taj Coromandel, Chennai. It was presided...
End of the month, ends to meet, bills to pay- we know the drill. So here’s a list we came up with for needy college students...