Based on the philosophy of ‘fresh and eclectic’, the Yauatcha mixology program offers a wide selection of cocktails using fresh ingredients, homemade purees, fruits, herbs and...
Be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, waffles remain luscious and pleasing at all hours of the day. Waffles are a plateful of happiness, a boon to...
If you’re a fan of the Starbucks thermos or just can’t resist pouring your smoothie into a cold cup then we have some good (or bad)...
To follow up two super successful momo extravaganzas in the Capital, GoBuzzinga is back with the third chapter of its delightful momo fiesta in Delhi! And...
Handva, or Handvo as it is more lovingly called, is one of the many Gujarati snacks that can get you hooked on to traditional Gujarati farsan....
The potatoes, usually small ones, are first deep-fried, then cooked slowly at low flame in a gravy with spices, Dum Aloo is a part of the traditional Kashmiri...
This Christmassy version of a pina colada is from The Spruce, and it’s sure to be a favourite this festive season!
Although the world is aware of Oman’s popular neighbour, Dubai (UAE), the capital of Oman, Muscat is mostly unknown. Growing up in the city, I have...