Kilpauk’s popular Pan-Asian restaurant, The Noodle Theory, recently opened its second Chennai Outlet in T. Nagar, aiming at a bigger and better dining experience. The unmistakable...
Alu Chi Patal Bhaji Recipe [recipe]
PepsiCo, one of the world’s biggest beverage manufacturers, has announced that it is acquiring probiotic drink maker KeVita. This is more evidence that, to keep up...
Indulge in the ultimate feast as Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield serves up the most delicious and lip-smacking North West Frontier delicacies. Enjoy every mouthful of the...
Spices may increase your longevity but it might be a cause of trouble too. A recent study published in American Heart Association’s journal Hypertension shows that...
According to The Spruce, from whence this recipe hails, the Corpse Reviver is that of a drink “To be taken before 11 a.m., or whenever steam...
As a kid I had this friend who was usually a happy-go-lucky chap but when he got into feuds, they were ugly. To the extent that...
In this day and age, where everything happens online, it’s no surprise that the excise department is making the change for a more modern system. Although...