Summertime parties mean that a punch is an easy and economical way to serve cocktails without completely throwing in the towel on the drinks front. Try...
JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort in California now offers a Donut Disturb package all through the year and is inclusive of the customer receiving a 10-pound...
Want to whip up a delicious and swanky meal without spending an eternity in the kitchen? Try out this quick, easy, and supremely delicious grilled fish...
A study conducted by St. Michael’s Hospital in Canada has found that switching to plant proteins can reduce cholesterol that leads to cardiovascular diseases. The study...
Drums Food International, the company which makes and sells Hokey Pokey brand of ice cream, has raised Rs 5 crore in another round of angel funding...
Cargill Foods, a company that manufactures edible oils has announced a deal with IPL team Rising Pune Supergiants, making them the team’s principal sponsor. About Cargill...
If the way to the heart isn’t through the stomach, we don’t know what is. The perfect chocolate cake, the most buttery cookies or the gooiest...
[recipe]For more Strawberry goodness, try this Strawberry mousse, Strawberry smoothie or Strawberry tart .Lemonade fans try the Lemonade cake recipe. Still thirsty for more? Try Very...