Winter is here, and the need of the season is warm cocktails! If you’re looking for a quick recipe to whip up when friends are over,...
While we agree that drinking is injurious to health, a party toast never hurt a soul. Especially if it means ushering in the next set of...
No, the title isn’t click-bait (I checked) but is 100 percent legit! You must be wondering what sorcery this is, but the fact of the matter...
You can always count on Mad Over Donuts to have something special planned each season. For Diwali, they launched a range of Indian mithai flavored donuts...
Okay, we admit it, we miss our paralegal and her foodie ways of life. Meghan Markle eats healthy and loves hummus and even garbanzo beans for...
Koyla, a popular rooftop restaurant in the Colaba area of Mumbai, was demolished in February under the allegation that they did not have proper documents. This...
A slice from Turkey, a bite from France and a touch of Gold Pantry D’or in Anna nagar has got us feeling blissful. With subtle, dull-gold...
After delivering nothing short of a stellar and hair-rising performance in Trapped, and giving us a peak into his upcoming releases, Ajay Pannalal’s Behen Hogi Teri...