Desserts are good. No actually they are great. Sweet little somethings to complete our meal. Now how about we “fortify” these sweet endings with a kiss...
Enjoy a bowl of delicious sweet corn soup at the comfort of your home. Just follow this simple recipe with easy instructions in Hindi!
Mummy’s food is always Number 1. There is no argument to that. She can create magic with the simplest of ingredients and make you feel all...
Situated in Khan Market, it’s a small little place and it gets only as Vintage. You enter and the first thing you notice are the beautiful...
According to a report in the Economic Times, Coca-cola might start selling its aerated drinks in aluminium bottles in the Indian market. This might be a...
The recent accolades bestowed upon khichdi are not unknown to anyone. However, if you’ve been living under a rock, here’s a quick recap: this weekend, at...
What is Yhungry? So we know about B2C, the consumer-facing delivery segment. But latest in the trend of food delivery startups is B2B and we have...
Aloo (potato) is almost like a staple. Think about it, isn’t it the safest bet when you can’t come up with which vegetable to go for?...