The monsoon is here in full swing, and what better way to celebrate the rain than with a delicious cocktail? Enjoy this delicious Tamarind Smash recipe...
We took a trip to Kandivali East a few months ago, beckoned by an ice cream parlour; Koldplay Cremerie that had just opened and was serving...
Many studies and health professionals point to the dangers of processed meats which include bacon, sausages, salami and hot dogs. A higher intake of processed meats...
According to a tweet by Asian News International (ANI) yesterday, patrons going for a movie in theatres and multiplexes in Maharashtra can carry in food from...
Superfoods, or health foods as they are also called, have been big these past few years. Given the shift of spotlight to a healthier demographic, the...
Kale was the celebrity vegetable of last year, and we went through dozens and hundreds of recipes with kale. Haven’t you ever been confused when you...
It’s a busy life and most of us do not even have time to take care of our health. We live in a world ruled by...