We’ve all heard the saying “we are what we eat”, right? How about we tweak that into “ we wear what we eat”? Because that is...
If you’re sick of all the Pumpkin Spice Lattes and all the usual fare of coffee that everybody talks about, then this new gorgeous way to...
The new year is finally here, and new beginnings are all around! We started our year with an absolutely refreshing experience at Merak by Corona, a...
The best part about this recipe from Delish is that it’s not called Whiskey Chai Tea! Also, honestly, there’s nothing better than some boozy tea!
Zomato has announced a partnership with Dunkin Donuts and Burger King recently to carry their complete range of products on their online platform. This is first of...
While browsing on your ultra thin laptop or phone, you can now snack on Oreo’s latest product – Oreo Thins. The new Oreos, which were revealed...
As a dog grows older, he grows more and more vulnerable to a variety of health problems just like the elderly among humans do. A major...
Clearly she doesn’t fit the round roti-making bill. Happy mom? Stories of The Queen’s food choices and meals have reached far and wide. And no one...