Whether you love or hate McDonald’s burgers or their all day breakfasts, everyone agrees that their fries reign supreme. Crispy, hot and golden, fries are an...
For non-vegetarians, meat makes up for a major part of their diet, grocery list, and fridge contents. Whether you like fish, shellfish, poultry, or red meat,...
It’s Gilmore Girls month! At the end of the month, the four-part Netflix special will be available to watch all over the world. And there’s so...
Food is vital to the Indian household, or for that matter any household that plans on a long and healthy survival. But let’s put it this...
You do not need a reason or season to binge on a plate of steaming hot chicken momos. That said, it is unreasonable to shell out...
There seems to be no end to the odd food combinations we’ve been subjected to recently. I do wonder though, have there been more poor food...
Following several new regulations to the packaged food industry by the FSSAI and major brands pledging to healthier food products, PepsiCo India on Wednesday has said...